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An archival project and home tours for ‘tools for resisting’
2018 - 2019
Tools for Resistance is a video series by and for Black, Indigenous, People of Color and Queer, Trans, folk of color. They're all about the functional objects we use in our kitchens, living rooms, and bedrooms specifically to cope with everyday racist, homophobic, xenophobic, transphobic, elitist, ableist experiences. Below, features a fragment of one of those stories. It is an archival project for individuals, co-habitants and families who want their care tools documented for personal, community, and legacy purposes. It comes in the form of a two-hour interview and home tour.
Here is what you can expect by participating.
Watch three trailers each featuring one home tour.
Browse the site dedicated for this project.
Below, are trailers for three home tours conducted with Ace, Akeema, and Azar. They begin by addressing who their story, this video, and their tools for resisting are for (and not).